7 Important Things Never To Give Up For A Relationship

Consciously or unconsciously, there are things we give up for a relationship, especially when it is a budding affair. That period when both partners are heady with the adrenaline rush of discovering a new partner.

Give Up For A Relationship

But it is important we never forget some of the things that are essential to who we are. These are things that perhaps were an important factor in bringing us to our partners in the first place. We need these things for the tough times, or if unfortunately, we have to start rebuilding our love lives from scratch again.

I have seen it happen time and time again to friends who lose themselves over a lover. It is a sad thing to see: giving up so many vital things to make a relationship work.

Sacrifices are inevitable in a relationship. At the same time, going overboard is a bad idea I promise. Check out my list of the things you should never give up for a relationship and tell me what you think about it in the comments section later.

Who you are

If you can keep hold of your personality while in a relationship, you’ll do just fine no matter what happens later. Your personality is what attracted you to your partner in the first place.

I’ll never stop emphasizing the point; your personality is one thing you should never give up for a relationship no matter what.

Your Friends

Give Up For A RelationshipGood friends are what I normally call your support system. Unfortunately, it’s so easy to take them for granted when we are in the throes of new love.

Your best friends are the ones you can rely on. And being what they are, they’ll always be there waiting for you through the lean times.

No matter the temptation or pressure from your partner, never sacrifice your true friends just to make your partner happy.

How you feel

How you feel is another important thing not to give up for a relationship. A good relationship is based on mutual trust. A partner that doesn’t respect your feelings is setting you up for a turbulent relationship.

A partner that does not think how you feel is worth their time is to be avoided at all cost. Unfortunately, sometimes, you only discover this when you are already deep into the relationship. But it is never too late to take drastic steps to make changes if there is no sign of change in the partner.

Your plans

How you feel  How you feel is another important thing not to give up for a relationship. A good relationship is based on mutual trust. A partner that doesn't respect your feelings is setting you up for a turbulent relationship.  A partner that does not think how you feel is worth their time is to be avoided at all cost. Unfortunately, you only discover this when you are already in relationship. But it is never too late to take drastic steps to make changes if there is no sign of change for the partner.Dreams and plans are some of the first things to get thrown out as we settle into a relationship. But that is not necessary.

I see it happen to the ladies more often. The erroneous believe is that supporting your partner totally at the expense of everything else, is one of the keys of a happy relationship.

Yes, supporting your partner is a fantastic idea. There is nothing that says you can’t do it while pursuing your own dreams. A good partner would respect you for that and support you completely.

Your Rights

These are all about the things you can do with or without your partner. A good test of a healthy relationship is if your partner is comfortable with letting you go out and enjoy yourself without them.

Been away to do your own thing is very healthy for any relationship. It allows one to get a good perspective on what they have.

Unfortunately, some partners never see the good side of that. It is sign of possessiveness which is not good. That is a big indication you are dealing with an insecure personality. And that is a serious problem to have.

Your Religion

Give Up For A RelationshipThat is another important thing never to give up for a relationship. Some people would see this and go, ‘Whoever does that?’

It happens to many people. It’s mostly borne out of desperation to get hooked up permanently; and you find them losing that important aspect of their life as a sacrifice.

The question now is, if you can give that up, what else are you prepared to sacrifice? A lot I am sure. The end result is definitely an unhappy person slowly dying inside.

At the bottom, and at the top too, keeping hold of these things in your relationship boils down to this: to ensure your happiness. And let’s face, what is the point of a relationship if one is not happy? As matter of fact, what is life without happiness?

If you know the answer to that question, we’d love to read about it. You can share your thoughts on our Facebook or Twitter pages too. Cheers.

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