6 Simple Ways To Create Happy Memories With Your Partner

Some time back, we discussed why it is important to create happy memories with your partner or significant other. Memories are some of the best building blocks of our currents habits. They contain the DNA of how we might react in certain situations.

create happy memories with your partner

In plain terms, creating them is very important to all relationships. This is more so if the memories are happy and shared ones.

To create happy memories with your partner is not rocket science. Couples do it all the time without even thinking about it. Creating memories could be the result of just loving each other, hanging out and doing other mundane things.

However, to create happy memories with your partner deliberately is way better. You can compare it to studying and preparing adequately all through the semester for an exam at the end of the semester.

Because you have created memories with your partner adequately, your chances of scaling through the exam of life and relationship with top grades are high.

So how do you create happy memories with your partner? Actually, it is not hard. As long as the foundation of love is there, most other things will be easy. Read on to see how.

Ways to Create Happy Memories with your Partner

1. Make time for dates

create happy memories with your partner

Making time for dates could be as often as weekly or at least twice a month. These dates must be different in the sense it is just the two of you.

Get away from friends and family to a nice quiet place where nobody can intrude. Enjoy the feeling of been together. Be comfortable in each other’s presence even if you don’t have much to say to each other.

Remember, it is only a couple with a shared history of love and fondness for each other that can sit quietly and be comfortable.

2. Take exercise together

create happy memories with your partner

If you have not exercised with your partner, you don’t know what you are missing out on. It is usually fun all the way.

A good thing about exercising with your partner is that you both motivate each other to keep up the good work. More importantly though, when you exercise together you create happy memories with your partner of all kinds of things. The benefits of exercising together with your partner are immense.

3. Join group activities together

create happy memories with your partner

Some couples would rather leave their partners to pursue their own interests alone. But just like exercising together, joining sporting clubs or attending community activities together is a good way to create happy memories with your partner

This is just another way of doing stuff together and having fun while at it. Other examples include going to watch football matches at the local stadium and attending cultural events together.

4. Travel to places together

create happy memories with your partner

This can be taking a weekend hike to explore the countryside or to visit places far from where you live.

The planning involved in working out the details of an elaborate weekend trip or a weeklong trip is enough for you guys to share some laughs together. The whole experience of taking a trip would definitely give you guys enough memories to hang on to for a long time.

Traveling together can be easier if one partner’s job involves a lot of traveling. Both of you can then seize the opportunity of a work trip and turn it into a bonding trip.

At least, one partner gets to appreciate how work is like for their significant other.

5. Bedtime routines

create happy memories with your partner

Sometimes to create happy memories with your partner would involve something as simple as what you do together before sleep. Adding spice to a relationship shouldn’t be complicated if one partner cares enough to create a unique bedtime routine.

You can start by showering together from time to time before bed. Spending time in front of the TV to watch some classic movies or even playing video games are good ways to create happy memories with your partner.

6. Communicate as much as possible all day

create happy memories with your partner

Whether by phone, text messages, or email. It is one of the benefits of the digital age that we can communicate instantly with loved ones.

Apprising your partner of your day at work, your experiences on a day trip or lovely updates of what is happening at the mall while shopping can really liven up your relationship.

This sort of thing would bring a smile to your face anytime you remember them later in life. They are soul-lifting. Constant communication is one thing one should never undervalue in a relationship. It does a lot of things including helping you to create happy memories with your partner.

So as you have realized by now, creating memories with your partner is simple. It is surprising some people never do it deliberately. It won’t cost much and there is all to gain.

I bet there are other ways you can think of to create happy memories with your partner. Please share them with us in the comments section below. And while at it, remember to create the memory of reading this by sharing it with your friends on Facebook or Twitter.


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