Who Bears Pays for Bridesmaid clothes, Shoes And Accessories?

The issue of who will bear the financial burden of bridesmaid clothes, shoes and accessories for a wedding is matter etiquette and good will rather than that of tradition.

A number of people have severe customary views about who pays for bridesmaid clothes, shoes, and accessories while others are much more flexible about it.  Deciding who pays can cause conflicting ideas which may result to squabbles, crying and tantrums prior to the big day of the wedding.

Bridesmaid dresses, shoes, and accessories are one of the areas that have varying opinions about who should bear the financial burden. Some people think it should be the responsibility of the couple that is wedding while others think it should be borne by the bridesmaids themselves.

Bridesmaid clothes, Shoes
Bridesmaid clothes, Shoes

No matter the extent of divergent opinion regarding who pays for bridesmaid clothes, shoes, and accessories; the final decision depends on what you deem fit.

If you are financially capable of providing that, why not make your maids happy by offering it to them as gifts for being there to support you on your wedding day and possibly the most memorable day of your life.

We have provided in this article a few considerations that will help you to choose how you want to handle the issue of bridesmaid clothes, shoes, and accessories.

Consider what the long-established norm is in your locality about the provision of bridesmaid clothes, shoes, and accessories

As a rule, the groomsmen or bridesmaid clothes, shoes and accessories should be paid by the groomsmen and bridesmaids respectively.

It is considered a sign of honor to be invited to be part of the couple’s wedding party and paying for bridesmaid clothes, shoes and accessories are merely your contribution and support for the couple who are tying the knot.

This is to help to reduce the financial burden on the young couple who otherwise would find it difficult to bear the cost of all the attires of their wedding attendant in addition to others that have to do with their wedding day celebration.

In the modern time, the cost of bridesmaid clothes, shoes and accessories are usually borne by the couple who are about to wedding. Thus, it all depends on what is more suitable for your peculiar situation.

When your bridesmaid is not wealthy enough to pay for bridesmaid clothes, shoes, and accessories

If you decide that your bridesmaid will have to pay for the cost of bridesmaid clothes, shoes and accessories, you need to consider if that will impact negatively on her financial status. If your choice of clothing is the classy ones, it could be difficult for a bridesmaid who is struggling financially to pay for the cost of bridesmaid clothes, shoes, and accessories.

It is better to provide the dressing if you can and leave that choice flexible for those who can afford it.

The bridesmaid who can afford it could pay for theirs as their support for your wedding while those who can’t pay if you must have them in your team should be provided for by you.

You can as well offer to bear a certain percentage of the cost of the bridesmaid clothes, shoes and accessories while the rest is borne by the bridesmaid.

What to do if you don’t feel it is sensible to ask your bridesmaid to pay for bridesmaids clothes, shoes, and accessories

A number of contemporary brides feel uncomfortable to ask their bridesmaid to bear the burden of bridesmaid clothes, shoes and accessories.

Some don’t think it is wise to make their attendants pay for what they would have otherwise not planned for if not for the wedding. This view is becoming more and more common.

Being completely in charge of your wedding financially can help to mitigate some moral pressure and as well offer you more control over the style of bridesmaid clothes, shoes and accessories you want for your wedding day celebration.

While discussing with your bridal party let them know if you will cover their accommodation, hair style, makeup, and nails or not. Let them know what you can cover the cost and what you will not long before your wedding date.

On a final note, if your bridesmaid is paying for bridesmaids clothes, shoes, and accessories, remember that in addition to the cost, she has contributed as well her time, love, and support to your wedding and factor that in when you are giving her a thank you gift.

All you need to know is that wedding tradition is just there to guide you; it is not a strict laid down rule. It all boils down to what you want, what is most suitable for you while putting other factors like the financial capability of your bridesmaid into consideration

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