Invitations: The First Step to the Stylish Wedding

The First Step to the Stylish Wedding

First impressions are huge.  It only takes a tenth of a second for someone to form a general opinion about someone they meet, and not matter how smart, witty, and charming a person might be, if they don’t come off so hot in those first few seconds, it can be pretty difficult for them to overcome the rough start.

And when it comes to weddings, the invitation is the first impression.  Invitations are the first thing people will see that will cause them to frame in their mind what your wedding is going to be like, and like with people, no matter how stylish, elegant, and epic is going to be, a boring invitation will set you off on a very wrong foot.

Because people don’t just want to be informed about your wedding, they want to be promised an amazing time. The First Step to the Stylish Wedding

Something they’ll get excited about and spend the next two months getting ready for like something that’s part high school prom, part Vegas vacation.

So how do you create an invitation that encapsulates the amazing, life altering event you have planned?  What’s the best way to tell your potential guests that they won’t want to miss your wedding for the all the tea in China?

Well, you’re in luck.  Because here are all the elements that go into making heart pounding wedding invitations.

Use A Design Program

If you’ve got the perfect design image in your head and you think you can make it real on your own, then there’s a number of great design programs you can use to make it happen.

Wedding invitation design software comes in various shapes and sizes, from powerful and complex to basic but easy-to-learn.

For example, Adobe Creative Suite, will give you access to advanced programs that allow you tremendous freedom to create your design while something like Inkscape is a simpler, but still powerful, program that provides a number of features that will allow you to create beautiful vector imagery.

Writing the Invitation

While the design will be what catches the invitee’s eye first, the wording is what will keep their interest and capture their emotions.  And like with other forms of persuasive writing, the trick is to be creative without going over-the-top.

You want the reader to be happy and excited about the fantastic event, not wondering what it is they’re even being inviting them to.

So it’s critical to express the key details of the what, when, and where, in a way shows off your style and type of wedding it’s going to be without confusing the invitee – or even worse – making them think this is the last thing they want to show up for.

A great way to do this is to follow a general outline of an invitation’s structure, and then insert your creative brilliance within that framework.  This will allow you to get the reader’s blood flowing while keeping everything nice, clear, and neat.

The Host Line:  This is the first line and it’s where you announce the host of the wedding.  Which although traditionally has been the bride’s family, is now more of a symbolic honor that can be either the bride’s or the groom’s parents, and sometimes even both.

The Invitation Line: Here’s where you’re telling the lucky invitee that she’s being invited to your very special day.

The Names:  Who’s the wedding for?  This is where the invitee finds out.

The Action Line:  And here’s where you let the people know what it is you’re asking them to attend.

The Information:  Time, location, and date.  Nice and simple.

The Party Line:  Okay, this is where things get good.  Now you can get creative and let the guests know what the post ceremony party will be like.  Will it be a wild, lights out bash?  Or a quitter, refined dining experience?

Either way, here’s where you can really inject some writing spark into the invitation.

Of course, adhering to a time-proven format is one thing, being able to capture the magic of the event with your words is something quite different, and if you’re like a lot of other people, smooth, captivating writing isn’t something that comes easy for you.

Fortunately, there are a number of sites that provide samples of wedding invitations in the various styles of writing.  By studying these, you can simply incorporate your own information into the literary work provided and you’ll have your invitations.

However, this is still your wedding, and if you want the writing to truly reflect the occasion and who you and your spouse are, then checking out the top services to hire a professional writer to transform your visions into words is an excellent way to go.

This will be one of the biggest days of your lives and while you’re already hiring experts to put together the other aspects of your wedding, there’s no reason not to make sure you’re putting the same amount of care into your invitations.

Hire A Calligrapher

So you’ve got the perfect words, now you just need to turn them into art.  Handwritten calligraphy will be the elegant, stylish touch to your invitation that lets your invitees know this is a big occasion and you very much want them there to share it with you.


While probably the easiest aspect of the invitation process, choosing the right envelope design is crucial to setting the tone for when your invitees find their invitation amid the usual stack of bills and advertisements.  After all, you want your invitation to jump out at them, to be a fun, intriguing surprise that makes them shove the junk mail aside and instantly need to see what’s inside the stylish piece of art with your names on it.

So there you have it, you’re now on your way to creating an invitation that will be the gateway to your very cool, very stylish wedding.  And while the invitation is just the first step, it’s a big one.  Because when you’ve got an awesome event planned, first impressions are everything.

Author’s Bio

Luisa Brenton is a blogger. She was born in Italy, graduated from The St. Louis School of Milan and went to Chicago to pursue higher education at the Chicago’s Public Research University. Luisa is interested in modern literature and new films. She is interested in journalism as well. You can contact Luisa at Twitter and Facebook.

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