Feelings, thinking,emotion in a relationship and personality pathway

Feelings, thinking, emotions in a relationship and personality pathway are the essential part of our life and well-being. We are emotionally intelligent beings with innate capacities to feel and learn the emotional journey within ourselves.

What you do and how you manage your emotions contribute greatly to your emotional health and total wellbeing. Neuropsychological findings discover that your emotions affect your interpersonal relationships and can greatly influence them.

What you do and how you manage your emotions contribute greatly to your emotional health and total wellbeing. Neuropsychological findings discover that your emotions affect your interpersonal relationships and can greatly influence them.

This relationship and personality pathway are exemplified in the Disney movie, “inside out”, where Riley Andersen is personified with emotions of joy, sadness, anger, fear and disgust that led her through life as her parents move from Minnesota to San Francisco, and she strives to adjust to her new environment.

Conscious and nonconscious systems in a relationship and personality pathway

emotion , relationship pathway
relationship and personality pathway

Although the majority of what takes place within us when we experience emotions in relationship and personality pathway occurs non-consciously, your brain requires both the conscious and nonconscious system to access the value of events.

Your conscious system embodies how you perceive yourself and how yourself image is altered by reactions to the external stimuli.

Your conscious system in a relationship and personality pathway embodies how you perceive yourself and how yourself image is altered by reactions to the external stimuli.

Your feelings and emotions at the conscious level provide your brain with up-to-date information about your state of emotional wellbeing. Your non-conscious preconception of a relationship and personality pathway, on the other hand, affects the options and logical strategies that your conscious self can access.

Many scientific studies have been conducted within the last two decades to explain the nature, form, why and how emotion forms within us. The majorities of these researches were mainly focused on the relationship between cognition and emotion and how they affect our lives.

Scientific discoveries about your feelings and emotions:

Some neurological studies found that emotions in a relationship and personality pathway are more or less chains of reactions experienced by your body in response to certain stimuli.  A popular Neurologist, Damasio, in an interview with Manuela Lenzen, stated that emotion and feelings are very much closely related. This explains why we frequently use both terms interchangeably.

When you experience emotions of fear, for instance, chains of reaction are set up by your body. Your heart will start to race because of increased blood circulation to your heart. This would result in an increased heart rate.

The increased heart rate sets off chains of reactions in your body. As a result, you’d start to experience things like dry mouth, pale skin, muscular tightening and so on. These complex reactions normally occur routinely and instinctively.

Damasio argues that we can experience emotions like joy or sorrow, disgust, anger and fear in a relationship and personality pathway only after our brain have recorded a few physical changes in our body.

We only experience feelings of fear after our brain has become conscious of those physical changes. Antonio R. Damasio further argues that your feelings are emotional signs and only evolve while your brain construes your emotions.

How emotions and feelings play a major role in your emotional health and total well being

Emotion in a relationship and personality pathway is a factor of human reasoning; it plays a major role in your process of decision making.

  • You emotions also play critical roles in your self-image, your survival, interpersonal relationship and imaginative accomplishments. Your entire life is regulated by your emotion. Thus, managing your emotion properly helps you to take complete charge of your life.
  • Your emotions play a great role in your body’s bio-regulation and significantly influence your body’s homeostasis. Emotions contribute immensely to our well being.
  • Emotion is essential in our memory and learning system.
  • It is our emotional knowledge that provides us with clues to social feelings like sympathy, shame or pride which form a basis for ethics and morals.
  • Learning about emotion is essential. It will provide you with a better understanding of human nature and the rules of social interaction.
  • It will also help us to manage our emotion better and prevent us from suffering from emotional disorders which are the basis for different types of psychological disorder like depression.

Why we experience emotions in our relationship and personality pathway

The topic of emotion has been debated by different psychologists. There are different opinions as whether or not emotional actions are involuntary in nature or as a result of judgment and assessment of the present situation.

However, there is a consensus regarding why we experience emotions among scientists. Emotions are seen as motivators which induce us to change and react to situations.

However, there is a consensus regarding why we experience emotions in a relationship and personality pathway among scientists. Emotions are seen as motivators which induce us to change and react to situations.

  • We feel disgust when we see something that can make us sick.
  • Anger moves us swiftly into a state to fight the situation
  • Fear motivates us to escape from unsafe situations
  • Sadness can elicit a resolve to change the course of a person’s life.
  • Emotions of joy encourage us to continue with the course of action that we found pleasurable.
  • Emotions of empathy help us to identify with others and sustains social bonds

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