Living Your Life Free From Unpleasant Back Aches

Living Your Life Free From Unpleasant Back Aches

Many of us have experienced times that we endure some really bad and not so bad back aches. I have attended to both the young and old with back aches. The severity and characteristics of the pain varies from person to person. Some people experience an occasional dull pain, while others persistent pain that makes even the slightest movements difficult. Back pain really can pose a lot of limitation to you engaging in your normal daily activities. I have experienced it a couple of times. It was not a pleasant experience at all.

Living Your Life Free From Unpleasant Back AchesShould you worry much when you have an agonizing back ache? Well, it depends on what the cause is. Some important pointers to a more worrisome reason for your back ache include back pain with a fever, your buttock or groin/buttock region feeling numb, your legs seeming weaker or you are unable to control your urination or defecation. You should seek the counsel of a medical practitioner if you have these additional symptoms.

So how can one prevent having a sudden unexpected and unpleasant back pain?

1. Watch your weight.

You don’t expect to carry so much weight around and your back bones don’t protest. Being fat especially in the upper part of your body can put a lot of strain on your lower back. I once saw a young man who complained of joint and back pains. He could barely walk due to the severity of his pains. Looking at the weight recorded in his chart said it all. He weighed 100kg! It was totally out of proportion to his height. Check your weight regularly and see if you going in the wrong direction. Have healthy eating habits. Having an ideal weight will keep you fitter and keep your bones from unnecessary stress.

2. Watch your posture.

Maintaining the correct posture in sitting, standing, driving or even when sleeping can help prevent back aches. The typical office worker is sitting on an uncomfortable chair, hunching over a computer for long hours is setting himself up for a chronic back pain. Your chair should be high and straight enough to support your lower back. Keep your head and shoulders erect. Avoid leaning forward. Your knees should be a little higher than your hips when you sit. If you will be sitting for more than an hour, take a break, stand and stretch.

3. Watch your high heels.

Sometimes, I wonder how some ladies manage to balance on an 8-inch stiletto shoe! The expressions on their face seem to be a façade. They are obviously trying to  hide the distress their ankles and back are going through when they stand or walk for a long time. When you force your toes into the unnatural shape of the shoe, your weight becomes unevenly spread. The result is that you try to compensate by leaning backwards and overarch your back. This posture can put a lot of strain on your lower back. Your overall gait could be altered by wearing high heels consistently. I don’t think you want to sacrifice being “trendy” now for being “bendy” at your older age. Low-heeled shoes are best for preventing back pains.

 4. Watch your lift.

I had an experience one day when I tried to lift a heavy box up from the ground. I suddenly had this sharp pain that shot through my back to my legs. My goodness! It wasn’t a funny experience at all. I nursed a sore back for days. You should not be in a hurry to lift heavy objects off the ground. Think before your lift. Ask yourself, Can I carry this all by myself or do I need help? How far am I going with it? You are not a superhero who has unlimited strength. The proper way to lifting a heavy object is to get close to the object, bend your knees and lift with the muscles of your leg. Don’t bend at your waist. If you are carrying many luggage, make sure they are distributed evenly on both sides of your body.

5. Watch your exercise.

Gentle exercise help to stretch and strengthen the muscles of your back. It makes them less prone to injury or strain. Avoid engaging in too strenuous exercise regimes. In trying to build your muscles in the gym, be conscious of the weights you carry. Allow your body adapt to the intensity of your exercises. Walking or swimming are examples of simple exercises that you can do regularly to prevent back pains.

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