How To Know You Are Losing Your Shine In Your Relationship

Do you sometimes feel like you are losing your shine in your relationship or do you feel you are not that important anymore in your relationship?

Are there times you feel like you are no longer upping your game in your relationship?

There are certain times in a relationship, you just feel something is not right?

At what point do you start feeling this way?

Well, if you are currently in a relationship and are trying to figure out why you seem to be losing your shine in your relationship then continue reading this till you get to the bottom of the page.

The ways to know you are losing your shine in your relationship are:

When what you say doesn’t matter anymore:

If you notice that your partner no longer asks your opinion about things anymore then that is one thing to be worried about.

Normally in a relationship, both of you ought to discuss issues and rub minds but if this no longer happens then you are probably losing your shine in your relationship.

If your opinions are not considered that means he or she does not see you as important again.

Imagine how that would make you feel!

He or she no longer compliments you:

If your partner no longer pays attention to how you look and stops complimenting you then you are gradually losing your shine in your relationship.

Giving you compliments implies you are appreciated so if this takes a new turn, you might just be losing your shine.

He or she treats you anyhow:

If you are in a relationship with someone, he or she should be the most important person in your life at the time, right?

So if your partner begins to treat you as if you are just like everyone else then that is not a good sign.

You seem unnoticed:

If you do certain things and your partner doesn’t seem to notice you did them, then you may just be losing your shine in your relationship.

No matter how busy ones partner is, that is no excuse to make the other person feel unnoticed.

He or she seems too busy for you:

If your partner no longer spends as much time as he or she used to then you are losing your shine in your relationship.

If he or she makes up excuses not to spend time with you then something is off.

He or she doesn’t want to be seen around with you:

If your partner feels ashamed being in public with you then you are definitely losing your shine.

He or she appreciates others more than you:

There might be times you hang out with friends and you notice your partner paying more attention to them and not even acknowledging your presence.

This attitude does prove you are losing your shine.

He or she flirts in your presence:

How To Know You Are Losing Your Shine In Your Relationship

If your partner sees nothing wrong in flirting with other people when you are around then that means he or she no longer sees you as relevant in his life.

He or she no longer cares about your well being:

If your partner shows little or no concern towards you like he or she used to then you might be losing your shine in your relationship.

You feel less important:

How To Know You Are Losing Your Shine In Your Relationship

Being in a relationship with someone you love ought to make you feel on top of the world but when that is the opposite, then that calls for concern.

If your partners action towards you makes you feel less of yourself and unimportant then you are most certainly losing your shine.

Feeling like you are losing your shine in your relationship is not the best feeling in the world and this should be looked into and taken seriously.

Everyone wants to feel loved in their relationship but if you don’t, look through the tips and decide if you are truly losing your shine in your relationship.

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