Skin care and Heat Rash skin condition

What is heat rash?

Heat rash skin condition is an outbreak of tiny bumps and occasionally minute blisters on the skin. These can turn up when you or your baby is overly hot.

The bumps may be reddish, particularly if you or your baby has light skin.

Adults and kids of all ages are prone to heat rash, but it occurs much more regularly in babies.  Adults suffer from heat rash but it occurs most frequently in babies because their sweat glands aren’t yet properly developed.

Heat rash is as well known as miliaria, prickly heat, summer rash or sweat rash.

heat rash skin condition

Heat rash skin condition is common skin disease of hot and humid climates.

It also occurs in temperate climates during the summer months and even during the winter months when you and especially your baby are overly covered or your room is over heated.

Signs and symptoms of heat rash skin condition

Heat rash can be itchy and uncomfortable and could keep you or your baby awake all night.

The heat rash is most noticeable in the folds of your skin or your baby’s skin and on the parts of the body where your clothes fits tightly, like your upper body, belly area, under your arms, legs, neckline, shoulders, crotch, armpits, elbows, thighs, areas under the breasts, buttocks, necks and backs.

Heat rash skin condition could as well occur on the forehead and scalp due to the warm effect of hat, scarf or cap on your head or baby’ s head.

You and your child develop heat rash when your sweat pores have been blocked and the sweat that is unable to escape out of his body settles under his skin and forms heat rash.

Symptoms of heat rash skin condition

The symptoms you and your baby experience may vary.  It depends on the type of heat rash you are suffering from. It could vary from shallow blisters to profound, red bumps. The red bumps are as well referred to as papules.

They are irritated and extremely itchy. Your heat rash skin condition can also have a prickly or tingling feel. It can generally make you and your baby feel uncomfortable, restless and cranky.

This is more so  for babies since they aren’t yet developed enough to tell how their body feel. You may also suffer from sleepiness.

The excessive irritation your baby feels is just a way to convey the discomfort he feels within. Heat rash can also make you or your baby develop skin burn or vomit and feel dizzy  because of the sweat that is inhibited from escaping out to the surface of the skin.

Your  heat rash skin condition or that of your baby would normally clear-up on its own if the temperature in his environment is regulated back to normal. In extreme cases, however, you or your baby might need medical attention to ensure that you don’t suffer from heat stroke or get dehydrated.

Your skin heat rash  skin condition areas may be aggravated by clothes or scratching, and, in exceptional situations, it may lead to further skin infection.

A connected skin condition known as folliculitis occasionally occurs concurrently with heat rash. This situation occurs when the hair follicles get blocked with foreign materials. This would usually lead to swelling and soreness.

Milaria has similar symptoms to skin condition known as shingles. Shingles only occur at one specific portion of the body but it as well look like rashes and have prickling sensations and pain all through the entire area covered.

If you think that you or your baby might be suffering from shingles instead of mere heat rash, you ought to seek medical attention immediately.

Forms of heat rash

There are different forms of heat rash, each with different forms of manifestation and range of seriousness. Therefore, the signs and symptoms for each type of heat rash differ from the other.

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