How to Be Happy Without Your Ex

How to Be Happy Without Your Ex

It is often very hard to imagine how to be happy without your ex right after a breakup. There are several things that you can begin to do right now in order to make this happen faster and with less heartache and less tears.

This is not to say that you should not grieve the loss of the relationship, but there are things that can be done to make the whole process a bit smoother and less painful. Read on to learn how.How to Be Happy Without Your Ex

1. Take Care of Yourself 

After the initial period of crying on your friends’ shoulders and eating too much, it is time to get back into the saddle where it concerns your mental, physical, and spiritual needs. Make sure that you journal when you are having sad or angry thoughts, take a walk and get some sunshine, do Yoga, or got to the gym. If you do not meditate, now is the time to start. You should begin to meditate again if you have stopped.

2. Remember Why 

Rather than dwelling on or sugarcoating the relationship’s memories, focus on the raw truth and why things did not work out. This is even truer if your ex was the one who did the breaking up.

If they do not want to be with you, then what is the point? Why would you want to be with someone that does not want to be with you?

3. No Rebounds 

Make sure that you begin your new habits, get counseling if you need it, and get your life back on track before you start dating again.

We have all heard of the rebound date – this is not a good thing and definitely will not help you in your journey towards healing and having a great relationship in the future.

Concentrate on you – it is not selfish, it is vital to being a healthy person capable of fulfilling relationships of all types.

4. Fake It Until You Make It 

You may be thinking, “Reading these tips is all well and good, but right now I do not feel like getting out of bed, let alone doing these things.”

That is natural. Begin small, taking one step at a time. Do a meditation before bed, journal when feeling yucky, get up and go to work, vent to friends, make a commitment to hit the gym before work.

Begin to picture what you want your life to be like before a new relationship. This means that you will have the life you want, be in the place you want, and be emotionally and mentally fit when it does come time to start dating again.

Remember that you deserve good things and to be treated well. Live your life now in this way. Go easy on yourself at first; baby steps are often what leads to big and mighty steps and a new lease on life.

 5. Limit Alcohol 

This is not the time to rely on a crutch; this will keep you stuck longer and may cause unhealthy habits or even an addiction to develop.

Although right now it may seem impossible how to be happy without your ex, just remember there was a time before them. Your goal now is to create a better life than you ever had even before them.

By using these tips, you will become more confident and lead a better life than you did before. These tips will mean that you can begin to heal and feel better quicker, and you will not wallow in your sadness.

Start with the baby steps now; you have the power, and you can even begin to feel better right now. Good luck, and share in the comments below how you are doing in how to be happy without your ex.

About The Author:

Alex J. Stevenson is CEO of and the creator of the training material ‘The Master Training Kit: How to Get Over Your Ex In 14 Days’. If you are feeling down right now, then he is providing just what you really need at this moment. Visit his site for more help.

About The Author

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