Happy 20th Birthday Wishes; Best 100 Happy 20th Birthday For Son and Daughter

Happy 20th Birthday!

If you, your friends, or one of your family member has just completed the second decade, then you’ve to celebrate with them and wish them more greater things in their life as they just attain the twentieth years.

If you can even organize birthday party to mark the wonderful number 20th years

Below are the happy twentieth birthday wishes you can start sending now to your family and friends who has just reach the 20th years in life.happy 20th birthday

Happy 20th Birthday #1.

It’s been 2 decades since you came into our lives with so much bountiful joy and blessings.  Happy birthday.

2. 20 year birthdays are to be specially celebrated because you’ve been our little darling and eased us off the worries of being a teenager.

3. I love the way you talk maturely with insights and call me daddy.  I’m glad to be your father.  Happy 20th birthday cutie.

4. Your first 20 years has been filled with tremendous happiness and less worries.  I pray that in more years to come,  you’ll not lack the joy you experienced in those years.  Happy birthday toddles.

5. Thanks for giving me the opportunity to mother you.  The past 20 years has been An amazing journey with you.  Happy 20th birthday my angel.

6. It’s hard to believe that my cutie is turning  20 today.  Grow into the world and cause a shake.

7. My grown angel ,  as you make your 20 birthday today. I pray that you’ll continue to be a source of lasting happiness to us.

8. Happiness fills my heart when I realize I’ve nurtured you for the past 20 years with less worries and great memories.  Welcome to the twenties baby.

9. Carrying you for 9 months was a sweet ordeal.  Mothering you for a year was the best ever, seeing you groom to be a lady through the past 20 years was amazing .  I look forward to more awesome years with you together.  Happy 20th birthday. happy 20th birthday

Happy 20th Birthday #10.

I love the way you always raise your arms for me to hug you when you need a companion .  As you add a year today,  may God’s arms be wide open to flourish your life with blessings. Happy 20th birthday

11. Happy birthday my little one,  it’s so funny how it’s been 2 decades since I birth you.  Enjoy your 20th birthday.

12. It’s your 20th birthday baby,  may your life be filled with memorable adventures.

13. You didn’t only come as my daughter but as a birthday gift.  I’m glad to celebrate your 20th birthday with you as my birthday mate.

14. You brighten my days with your smile.  It’s 20 years since you’ve come to this world.  I celebrate you my big baby.

15.  Your irresistible nature makes everyone want to draw closer to you today.  Happy 20th  birthday queen charming.

16. 20 years ago,  an angel was added to this family.  That angel is you.  Happy birthday miss.

17.  I know you may be feel too old  to celebrate this day but I’ve created memories that will last till infinity.  Happy 20th birthday baby.

18. Gosh!  It’s 20 year already.  You’re growing up way too fast.  Happy birthday baby.

19. Every 20th birthday is memorable and awesome just like the first birthday .  Enjoy your day my little one. happy 20th birthday

Happy 20th Birthday #20.

I keep enjoying those multiple doze of the cuteness factor in you.  Happy 20th birthday my cute angel.

21. It’s your 20th birthday.  Enjoy it with all of the love showered on you coupled with greater years ahead.

22. As you celebrate your 20th birthday,  may you grow up in wisdom, love and God.  Lots of love.  Dad and mum.

23. I’m giving you the chance to smash all the cakes and break the rules  as you celebrate your 20tg birthday today.

24. Happy birthday my sweetheart,  mummy is proud to see her little  princess turn into a grown up lady and above all celebrating her 20th birthday today.

25. You’re a replica of me in almost every thing you do.  As you celebrate you 20th birthday,  I hope you do greater things than me in more years to come.

26. As you celebrate you first 20 years on earth .  I launch you into a world of bliss.  Happy 20th birthday my baby.

27.  Have an adorable 20th birthday my little smitch..  Smash your cakes and rock it hard in the best way you can.

28.  As you take a step into a new phase of life,  I hope you continue to enjoy being loved.  Happy 20th birthday smartie.

29. You just turned 20!.  I’m proud to see how far you’ve grown.  Happy 20th birthday my muse. 20th birthday wishes

Happy 20th Birthday #30.

As you take your first journey into life,  I pray it unfold it’s goodies.  Happy 20th birthday little angel.

31. I’m so happy to watch you celebrate your 20th birth.  Love you my grown up buddy

32. Our bundle of joy,  I wish you all the happiness in the world as you mark your 20tj birthday today.  Love.  Dad and mom.

33.  I’m glad to make this 20th birthday memorable.  I hope you grow into a better woman than me.

34.  You’re not just a gift but a priceless one.  Enjoy your birthday baby.

35.  Happy 20th birthday to the cutest creature in the world.  You’re a blessing to us.

36. 480 months  ago we welcomed you as newly born,  it’s so amazing how God has blessed us with an angel.  Happy 20th birthday.

37.  It’s a lot of fun celebrating your  birthday.  Smash the cake and enjoy your day because there ain’t gonna be another 20th year birthday.

38. Happy birthday sunshine.  I’m glad to celebrate your 20th birthday and I hope you become the Princess we christened you as.

39.  You’re the best gift I ever had I hope you enjoy your first birthday. happy 20th birthday

Happy 20th Birthday #40

40.  I’m glad you’re celebrating your birthday today.  Wishing you many more years my smart prince.

41.  Your steps during the past 480 months is a sign that you’re an achiever.  Happy 20th birthday.

42.  Never knew i could be this great in fathering you for 20 year.  Happy birthday my baby.

43.  Happy 20th birthday to my little drama princess. I love you.

44.  As you celebrate the first if your twenties ,  I pray that you’ll be a source of celebration among your peers and those older than you. Welcome to the the twenties babu

45.  I won’t mind showering with lovely tender, loving care because it’s your 20th birthday today.  Enjoy my darling.

46.  You’re greatly missed when you’re asleep or quiet.  You’ve filled the house with so much fun and liveliness since you came. I’m glad to celebrate you on your 20th birthday.

47.   Your cute little smile is so charming,  the way you giggle and talk is irresistible.  Happy 20th birthday doll.

48.  I pray that you live a life of unlimited joy as you  celebrate your 20th birthday today.

49.  You came when I least expected.  Thabks for surprising me to another journey of motherhood.  Happy 20th birthday darling. happy 20th birthday

Happy 20th Birthday #50

The joys of motherhood is seeing her child grow.  It’s 20 year now.  Happy birthday my love .

51. You’re turning 20 today. I’m so excited because you’ve been of great ease and support to us as parents.

52. You’ve made my life even more happier than expected. Why shouldn’t I give you a grand celebration on your 20th birthday.

53. 20 years of celebration isn’t worth it alone but massive celebration of intelligence. I’m proud to say you’re my fruit. Cheers to more years of breaking boundaries.

54. You’ve finally reached that age. Welcome to the 20s sweetheart .

55. God’s guidance will lead you through every step you take as you celebrate your 20th birthday.

56. It’s not just a 20th birthday but the celebration of another awesome phase in life.

57. You’ve never been anything but a true blessing, wonderful friend and amazing sister. Happy 20th birthday.

58. Break forth, take charge, make exploits as you celebrate your 20th birthday today.

59. I don’t want you to reflect on previous years cos you were a teenager. I only want you to groove on to the most amazing years and experience to come. Welcome to the 20s.happy birthday number 20

Happy 20th Birthday #60

I’ve seen your zeal towards success in he past 480 months and I’m sure you’ll be one of the most influential people even before your 30s. Rock your 20s.

61. This is the time for you to feel younger and enjoy life more cos there ain’t gonna be another 20th birthday.

62. I’m glad you’ve joined me in the 20s club. Happy birthday.

63. Welcome to the 20th series of your life. I hope you make every episode of your 20s interesting.

64. You’ve waited so long for this day to come, celebrate today and enjoy the years to come in a massive way.

65. This is the time to explore more Opportunities, happy 20th birthday my sister.

66. As you celebrate your 20th birthday today, I hope life gives a broad smile at you.

67. Most people wish to remind back to being a teenager but as you clock 20 today, I’ll advice you to feel like a teenager and act like an adult.

68. I hope you enjoy this new change in life. It’s 2 decades now, make the better use of life. Happy birthday

69. Massive birthday shout out to you sis as you celebrate your 20th birthday today. Can’t wait to paint the town red.

Happy 20th Birthday #70

It’s not how old you are that matters but how you feel within. Keep feeling young and rock your 20s.

71. As you clock 20, you have the power and will to take decisions on you own, walk in the right steps.

72. You think you enjoyed life as a teenager? Give the 20s a try. Happy birthday number 20.

73. Happy birthday my Darling, can’t believe it’s 20 years now I’ve been watching you grow. Welcome to a sweeter phase of life.

74. 2 decades it is. I look forward to celebrating more years with you till we age.

75. The decisions you make today decides you future. As you clock 20 today, being to make the best of them.

76. Congratulations on your 20th birthday. I hope you make great success in life.

77. Your 20th birthday has made me so excited. I hope you live the rest of your days in earth in happiness.

78. Happy birthday to this business oriented personality . I look forward to the latest Oprah. Welcome to the 20s .

79. Birthdays are fun but today’s own us going to be more remarkable because it’s your 20th birthday.

Happy 20th Birthday #80

Wish I could say “Happy birthday” to you 20 times. Happy 20th birthday sis.

81. On this day, you deserve thunderous birthday wishes and prayer because it’s not just a birthday but a new step into the 20s.

82. You know how much I’ve loved, care and cherish you. Make me more proud of you as you take a bold step into your 20th year .

83. Happy number 20th birthday. This is another time for you to open your eyes and see what the world has in store for you.

84. Get ready to storm the yard and let them know you’ve arrived. It’s allowed cos you’re 20 now.

85. Happy 20th birthday dearest, you’ll continue to grow in abundance mercy of your creator.  Enjoy yourself.

86. People might advice you or spin words through your ear lobes but my advice for you is to be more of yourself as you celebrate you 20th birthday.

87. Welcome to the year when you’re legit to do anything. Happy 20th birthday.

88. A friend drive you us rare and I hope you enjoy increasing happiness as you turn 20 today.

89. As you celebrate your 20th birthday today, remember that there are no principles applied to life asides from “owning it”. Enjoy your new age

20th Birthday Wishes #90

Amazing is an understatement. I wish you’ll experience your 20s in a more terrific way. Love you.

91. I celebrate you today my dearest daughter as you teen 20. Mummy loves you.

92. My main Explorer, it’s time for you to take charge. Happy twentieth birthday.

93. I’m glad you’re alive to celebrate your 30th birthday.

94. I love you beyond words can say and I hope to celebrate more years with you. Happy 20th birthday.

95. I’ve always loved you for giving everything a chance. At this new phase of life, never give up. Happy 20th birthday.

96. Welcome to the 20s my darling. Happy birthday.

97. As you clock 20, learn to live yourself more. That’s the top key to achieving anything easily.

98. It’s so surprising that my little grown baby back then has fast forward her age to 20. Happy birthday my little grown angel.

99. Live life, love life, creating memories enjoy the memories. That’s what this new phase implies. Happy 20th birthday.

Happy 20th Birthday #100

The world expects a lot for you at this time but I hope that you believe God expects more from you. Happy 20th years on earth.

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