Birthday Quotes That Reflect The Goodness in You to Others

Birthday quotes are what you need to send your friends whenever they are celebrating their birthday, especially when you know you cannot attend the party celebration.

Though, it is even more interesting when you’re able to deliver birthday wishes to them physically. All the same, below are 50 wonderful birthday quotes, birthday messages and birthday greetings you can send to anyone you really want to show how much you care about them.Birthday quotes

Birthday Quotes

1. Today marks a new start to begin counting your blessings afresh.  Happy birthday.

2. Stop mothering everyone and step into a fresh light.  Happy birthday to you.

3. This new year signifies that you still have a lot to achieve.  Welcome to the year that has greater things to refresh you with.

4. Happy birthday dear friend.  May this year launch you into greatness.

5. As you add a year today,  may you be given more years to fulfill your dreams.  Happy birthday

6. It’s a double celebration today.  It’s your birthday and the beginning to a milestone if greatness.  Enjoy your day

7. As you celebrated by all today,  so shall you be celebrated all the days of your life.  Welcome to the thirties.

8. It’s not by how cautious you are but God’s grace kept you till now.  Happy birthday.

9. Don’t just celebrate today but have it at the back of your mind that you have a purpose yet to be accomplished on earth. Have a victorious year ahead.

Birthday quotes #10.

I know your dreams may scare you  because they’re huge.  You being alive to celebrate your birthday today signifies that you’ll live to achieve them all.

11. Today will not just be an amazing day but a memorable one.  Happy silver jubilee.

12. On this day,  reflect on your past and be thankful for a better today and brighter tomorrow.  Happy birthday.

13. It was just like yesterday when we welcomed you as a baby.  2 decades have passed and I’m glad to see you celebrate another year.  Happy birthday.

14. The best part of the 365 journey is here.  Enjoy your trip to an awesome year.

15. I’m not surprised at why you’re loved by all.  Your charming personality is more than  enough reason for me to wish you a happy birthday.

16. Do I need to make a wish when I already know you’re a recipient of greatness. Happy birthday my Darling.

17. You watched after me,  saw me go through all phases of life.  Happy golden jubilee mom.

18. Today is not just a day to celebrate your age but to be happy that you’re surrounded by love ones.  Enjoy your day

19. God sent you as angels on earth to watch over us.  I’m glad you’re my daily guide.  Happy birthday my angel.

Birthday Quotes #20.

Close your eyes!  Make a wish!  It’s granted because the angels are there with you now and forever in this special day. Birthday quotes

21. You’re smart, kind, loving, amazing. How is it possible not to shower all shades of love to you on your birthday.

22. You bring imaginations to life. I admire your great works. Happy birthday

23. Today marks 3 decades that you were brought as a gift to this world. Enjoy God’s grace.

24. You’re not just skilled but always up and doing. Keep setting a group page for the younger generation. Happy birthday.

25. If only I had the key to heaven, I’ll open the doors of blessing for them to rain on you on this special day. Happy birthday.

26. Happy birthday to you. May you spend the rest of your days in good health and unending grace.

27. Age is just a number because you’re still forever young to me. Continue to enjoy from the fountain of youth.

28. You came to this world as an actor but you outlived it with good principles. I wish you greater years ahead.

29. I’m baffled at how agile and tough you are at this age. 50 looks good on you. Happy birthday mom

Birthday Quotes #30.

Happy birthday to one of the youngest oldie ever.  I’m glad you don’t look like what you’ve passed through.  Happy birthday.

31. There couldn’t have been a better day other than today. Happy birthday celebration friend.

32. Good things happen to sweet people like you. I’m glad you’re hale and heart on your birthday. God bless you.

33. I can count myself as one of the lucky many to have you in their lives. You’ve impacted positively in me. Happy birthday.

34. If only I had met you earlier before now, life would have been amazing. Happy birthday.

35. Thanks for not letting me go astray. Happy birthday to this amazing sister.Birthday Quotes

36. I don’t care what it cost me to wish you a happy birthday on this day. A surprise awaits you.

37. On this day, I hope that all your heart desires come true and our wishes for your life are granted. Happy birthday.

38. It feels amazing to have someone so close to you without turning back. That person is you. Happy birthday.

39. You’ve brought so much ease to my life that everything feels so great with you. I’m glad to celebrate another year with you. Happy birthday.

Birthday Quotes #40.

You get one wish per year from we’ve one but I hope those wishes are multiplied by your age.  Happy birthday

41. If I were to compose a lyrics on how amazing you’ve been. I’ll make the most sold out album. Happy birthday friend.

42. I’m so speechless that I can’t find the right words to say.  Happy birthday

43. As your candle goes on your cake, so shall you life be as a light to this world. Happy birthday.

44. I’m glad that I get to spend one of the special day with you today. Happy birthday.

45. Happy birthday to one of the most gifted, handsome and talented brother every God bless you.

46. You were our history reminder.  I look forward to more years with sweet memories from you.  Happy birthday

47. Only an ungrateful will spend some minutes with you without thanking God for gifting such an endowed person like you on planet earth. Have a fun filled year. Happy birthday

48. It’s your day today,  welcome to the highway of thunderous manifestation

49. Here’s wishing you a day filled with fun and the next 365 days filled with testimonies.  Happy birthday

50. You’re so sweet that the sweet flavor of your cake can’t be compared to you.  Have a blissful year ahead.

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