How to deal with status change from Miss to Mrs: What to expect

Congratulations on this new transition in your life. Being married is a big deal right? Well, I would say yes because it takes grace finding someone you can trust and settle down with. How do you really feel being married?

  • Happy?
  • On top of the world?
  • Not in the league of those still searching?
  • Now a Mrs?

As a married woman, you are bound to have such feelings, after all, there are lots of women out there who wish to be in your position. You have finally accomplished that part of your life but I hope you know that the journey has just begun.

Find below those things you should expect once you are married and how to deal with them.

How to deal with status change from Miss to Mrs

Everything about you changes:

Being single is quite different from being married and in this part of the world, you’ll now be looked at differently. You do not need to change your personality simply because you are now married. Just do the needed by dressing moderately, respecting people and carrying out your duties.

People will always talk:

How to deal with status change from Miss to Mrs What to expect

One thing you should know is that people will always gossip. It is expected that when a woman marries, after a few months she should be pregnant. While this happens quickly for some people, it also takes time for others. At times, you might be pressured from even family members. When this happens, do not despair for as long as you have the support of your husband, things should be okay. There’s a time for everything so keep your fingers crossed and take things easy so you don’t get frustrated.

Be prepared for responsibilities:

How to deal with status change from Miss to Mrs What to expect (2)

Now that you’re married, you not only have to take care of yourself but your spouse as well. As a wife, you have to fulfil your duties and when you start having children, you’ll also have to fulfil your duties as a mother. It can sometimes be overwhelming but it’s what makes you a woman. Being able to multi-task is one key feature you must have.

Be ready to be selfless:

There are times you’ll have to inconvenience yourself simply because you want those around you to be happy. Do not see it as suffering but be joyful doing it because you will reap the rewards later in life.

Be ready to tolerate:

How to deal with status change from Miss to Mrs What to expect (3)

It takes a lifetime to know a person. When dating, you can’t know everything about your partner even when you get married, it’ll take a lot of time to really know your spouse. You’ll have to be tolerant because there are things you’ll notice about your spouse that will annoy you. You’ll get angry over and over again but know that no one is perfect and even you have flaws.

Learning to trust:

How to deal with status change from Miss to Mrs What to expect (4)

These days, trust is overrated but since you have decided to spend your life with one person, you have no choice but to trust him. Trust breeds confidence and strengthens the bond you have. Making decisions together requires trust.

Status change from Miss to Mrs is a good thing and learning how to deal with this transition will assure you of what is to come.

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