Do you qualify for medical malpractice? Find out

Though people may expect doctors to be Gods, they are human beings committed to a profession, and like other professionals, they can make mistakes. The only difference is that it can have dire consequences for other people when a doctor makes a mistake, unintentional or intentional.

What is medical malpractice?

medical malpractice

When a medical professional makes a decision that harms their patients, it is known as medical malpractice. Typically, the patient goes to the doctor to get treated for an injury, but if they end up acquiring injuries on the doctor’s behalf, it’s qualified as medical malpractice.

There is a standard that every medical professional and their associates promise a patient. When the patient enters their care, it is at the behest of that promise. However, during malpractice cases, the promise of quality is not fulfilled, and instead of getting better, the patient gets worse.

Patients can sue for damages for medical malpractice in California. That is why it’s essential to be informed about the phenomenon.

How can you figure out if you qualify for medical malpractice?

As a medical professional, you should keep revising and evaluating your performance to ensure that no one gets harmed. If you can recognize your faults, you should take responsibility and act accordingly. Here are some pointers to help you figure out if you’re committing medical malpractice.

1. You have been negligent towards patients

Negligence is often the primary reason for a malpractice claim. If the doctor neglects important factors while treating the patient and, as a result, their condition worsens, it will be seen as medical malpractice. There are many examples of such negligence.

For instance, if you do not use sterilized instruments during surgery, the surgery will result in complications due to your mistake, and it will be considered malpractice.

If you were low on staff and could not tend to a patient as their condition worsened, or you did not inquire for their medical history while prescribing medication, and the patient suffered a reaction to your prescribed treatment. These instances would not happen if the doctor were more focused and alert towards their case. If the patient suffers harm in such cases, it will qualify as malpractice.

2. You have misdiagnosed or mistreated a patient

If you are unsure whether your diagnosis for a patient is correct, but you continue to treat them according to it without consulting other medical professionals, the situation can be precarious. Or suppose you are uncertain about what procedure to perform on a patient and choose to go ahead still. In such cases, the patient might suffer serious harm; if that happens, you have committed medical malpractice.

Final word

As a doctor, you should hold yourself to a higher level of morality. There is a great responsibility that rests on your shoulders. Consider taking a break if you need it but remember, treat your patients fairly and with all the care in the world, as any negligence can have serious consequences.

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