Golden Rule of Love, Relationship And Marriage

Golden Rule of Love, Relationship And Marriage

Pope Francis was speaking before the United States Congress and reminds his audience about the golden rule. He said, “do unto others as you would have them do unto you”.

In simpler form, treat people the way you want people to treat you. This is not a one side thing, in all you do to people in your love, relationship and marriage; you should prepare to receive the same measure as you do to other people.

Why is this concern you in your love, relationship and marriage?

Golden Rule of Love, Relationship And MarriageIt concerns you because you desire to have a good home, to have a good relationship with your partner and home filled love with your family. If this is true, then this man’s story will give you a better understanding why it concerns you.

Jane and John have been married for over ten years and they’ve tried to live well with their understanding of how family should live. But something happened in their eleventh years in marriage and it brings so much discomfort into the marriage relationship.

Here’s what happened, John feel complacent and forget the golden rule of love, relationship and marriage. Whenever he’s going to work and it’s almost getting late for work, he does not bother to tell Jane or drop a note for her or even text message.

Jane was not comfortable with this behaviour and she has confronted John about it for several times but it has always falls on John deaf hear.

John just believed his wife understands his situation and she shouldn’t take any offenses for that. He has forgotten the golden rule of, treat people the way you want to be treated.

Jane has always be the one that prepare dinner for the family and before John started feeling Jane is not too important to be informed when he’s late for his work. Jane will always let John knows when she will not be available to prepare dinner for the night.

When John started his nonchalant attitude and listening to Jane’s complaining, Jane decided to let John feel the same discomfort, so that he can learn from it.

Jane stopped informing John whenever she’s not going to be around to prepare the dinner, and when it happened in the fourth times, John could not bear it any longer and he started fighting Jane for not informing him whenever she’s not going to be around to prepare dinner.

John has forgotten the way he has been treating Jane whenever he’s late for his work and he’s now being treated the way by his wife Jane. Jane has to remind him how painful it is for John to ignore her whenever he’s getting late for work or even sending her a text message about it.

This is exactly what’s really happening in life of every person and if you want to enjoy your love, relationship and marriage, then you need to remember the golden rule, do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

When both of them started treating one another as they would want to be treated, they feel happier, healthier and supported.

The golden rule of love, relationship and marriage goes beyond family life; the rule should be applied in all area of ones endeavour. Everywhere you find yourself, just try to treat people the way you would love to be treated.

This is how to create a better family and a more robust society where every one of us live and respect each other.

Have you learn anything in this article today or how have you been applying the golden rule of love, relationship and marriage in your own relationship with your partner?

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