5 Tips to Delight Your Salon Customers

If you’re running a salon or provide beauty, make-up, or styling services within the beauty industry, this article is for you. We will run you through 5 tips that you can use to ensure customer ‘delight’ as a beauty professional.

Delight Your Salon Customers

Let’s dive in.

#1: Treat your customer right 

In the beauty industry, customer service is paramount. More than anything else, customers are put-off by poor service. Professionals who are irritable, display unprofessional behavior, and simply do not treat their clients right are a big no-go for potential customers. 

If you’re not all that sure about how you should go about rendering your service, a reliable yardstick you can use is this—treat your customer as you would like to be treated. Think about what would delight you if you were to place yourself in your client’s shoes—and do just that. If you follow this maxim, more often than not, you will find that your clients become your repeat customers and keep coming back for your services.

#2: Leverage technology to provide a seamless client experience

Delight Your Salon Customers

Nearly everyone has a smartphone on them these days—and in the digital world that we live in today—it becomes all the more simple to give your clients a memorable customer experience. 

Ways that you can utilize tech to give you your beauty business that much-required boost? Make it easy for your clients to reach out to you and book appointments. Remember that consumers want a hassle-free experience. Any issues or technical problems that they face during the consumer journey could be the reason why they won’t be coming back to you.  In Dubai, for example, you can book online to avail makeup services in your home, office, or party venue and experience a session with one of the best professional makeup artists in Dubai.

If you’re looking for a digital tool that enables you to do client management efficiently and is specifically catered towards beauty professionals, we have a recommendation. You can allow your clients to book appointments online themselves through Watalook—which can significantly boost customer satisfaction and retention. It also lets you manage all your bookings and keep a record of customer data for providing personalized experiences—all within a single platform.

#3: Don’t hesitate to give your clients beauty tips and hacks

As a beauty professional, you might be quite reluctant to share tips and tricks that you’ve learned over the years. You might not get any immediate benefit out of doing so—but it certainly goes a long way in showing your customers that they’re not just people that you derive business out of.

You don’t have to divulge every little thing that you’ve picked up along the way. Sharing a few beauty hacks with your customers can break that impenetrable business-customer barrier and make their experience more personal.

You can even direct them to industry professionals that you follow online, make-up artists and beauty influencers that have caught your eye, and things of the like. From time to time, you can share helpful content about beauty tips and skincare regimens. This will show them that you care beyond the business that you do with them—and give them another reason to come back to you for your beauty services. 

#4: Ask your clients for their feedback

Delight Your Salon Customers

Requesting your clients to provide feedback on their experience not only gives you pointers about how you can serve your customer better—but it also tells them that you value what they have to say. 

If you find that your client is not really in a position to give you any feedback at the time that you ask them—let them know that it’s okay, and they can do it some other time. You can also ask politely if you can reach out to them via email or ask them to leave a review on a rating platform. They will appreciate that you don’t take their time for granted.

#5: Treat your loyal customers

In any business, regardless of industry, customer acquisition is nearly 5 times more expensive than acquiring new customers. 

As someone who works in the beauty industry—you can leverage this fact to your advantage. Remember that competition is fierce and that you need to give your clients reasons to come back for repeat visits. 

Offer them special discounts and coupons, give them that extra beauty service that they did not pay for, or design a loyalty rewards program that your clients can be a part of. All these contribute towards increasing customer loyalty and ensure that you are in a good position to retain your loyal clients and avoid losing customers. 

Apart from being able to retain your existing clients, going the extra mile to invest in customer loyalty will also help you expand your customer base through the word-of-mouth channel. Beauty service customers are likely to recommend businesses or stand-alone professionals who have stood out to them. You can exploit this consumer behavior to gain important business and have the edge over your competition. 

So those are the 5 tips that we believe can elevate your beauty business and help you achieve increased revenue and growth in a competitive industry. We hope that you found this guide helpful.

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