One very important aspect of a marriage is childbearing. This is one of the many blessings that accompany couples when they marry. When couples get married, the world expects that what should come next ought to be children but ultimately the decision to have children should lie with the couple.
Are you a newly wed?
Are you contemplating having kids now or later?
If you’re in a dilemma about deciding when the right time is to have children, make good use of the suggestions in this article. It will be of great help.
Childbearing in Marriage
Talk with your spouse:
Nobody can decide when you should have kids for you. You and your spouse need to talk about it and decide when you want to. The basic thing is coming to an agreement and having a mutual understanding. Once you are both on the same page, that is fine. As soon as you can both decide WHEN and HOW MANY, every other thing can follow.
Find out WHY:
Certain questions you must ask yourself if you choose to wait before having children:
- Is it for financial reasons?
- You’re not ready to be a parent
- Do you have more pressing matters to handle?
If you can answer these questions, then deciding when to have children won’t be a problem.
Embrace it when it comes:
Sometimes you make plans and it does not work out the way you want. You might say you’re not ready for children now but find yourself pregnant. In times like this, what do you do? Have an abortion simply because it’s not according to your plans? Things happen for a reason and as such I think it should be embraced. I know of couples who have made the mistake of aborting the child and later found it hard having other children.
Your plans may not be God’s plans:
Childbearing is a sensitive matter in marriage. You need divine guidance to make good decisions. If God wants you to have children now, you need to ask him so you can walk in that line.
What do you see as the priority in your life?
Some couples would rather face their careers before deciding to have children. One question I want to ask is this: why then did you get married since you know that one benefit of marriage is for procreation? If you’re not ready to have children, then do not get married.
What works for one may not work for you:
This is one thing you must never forget. Some people make plans and it works for them while for others, it’s the opposite. As people differ so also destinies differ. Do not imitate someone else’s married life. Be focused, make plans with your spouse and live your life happily.
Bear it in mind that children are gifts from God so before making that important decision, think twice so you get it right.
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