Here Is How To Turn Your Resolution Into Achievement
Before the end of last year, many have be thinking what resolution will they have in this New Year and how they can achieve what they’ve determine to achieve with their resolution in the New Year.
It is a common practice that toward the end of each year, we tend to look forward to the coming year with a determination to do other things we’ve failed to achieve in the year that’s ending. The surprising thing is that, 95% of us failed to accomplish that which we’ve determine to achieve in the following year.
What’s the possible cause why many people don’t achieve what they promise themselves to achieve in the following year through their resolution?
From experience, I have observed it overtime that, the possible cause is as a result of lack of proper planning on how to accomplished what we resolve to achieve in the following year. And again, if we are not accountable to anyone or even to ourselves, and we are not asking question (nobody too is asking us) why are we not doing the thing we wanted to do in other to accomplish what we promise to achieve as our resolution, we will fall flat in the face of failure and before we know it, another year is just around the corner.
We start over again with another New Year resolution, it goes on and on like that until something is being done when we begin to be accountable to our action and inaction and make a proper plan to execute the plan in other to accomplish that which we promise to achieve.
Here is how to turn your resolution into achievement
Your first step is to define your goal
Defining your goal in this way, I mean putting down all you possibly think of, that you want to achieve in the New Year in a notepad. Write every possible thing that comes to mind even things you think it might not be important in other to achieving your goal for the year.
When you have all of them listed, take a look at all of them and form a theme from them, that theme is going to be your headline throughout the year, because it will summarises all you plan to achieve in the new year. The theme should be like the title of a book and it will reflect what you aim to accomplish in the New Year. For example, if you’ve always have plans but executing them is always your problem, you may give your theme something like; “2015: My Year of Massive Action Taker” “2015: No More Procrastination” “My 2015; A Year of Accomplishment”.
Your theme will be determined by what you want to achieve in the New Year, like finding love, changing habit like smoking or excessive alcohol consumption and so on.
Your second step is to discover what you did in the past to achieve something you think are not easily achievable but you do it.
This is about motivation; your past successes will motivate you to more other things because success breeds success just as failure breeds failure. When you’re motivated, you can do more of thing you find difficult when you’re not motivated. Try to apply the principle you applied in the past to your future goal, the determination and doggedness that help you to accomplish great goals in the past are there to help you turn your resolution into accomplishment in the New Year.
Your next step is to dream of it being achieved
The saying that “if you can belief it and conceive it, then you can achieve it” is more truer in the stage. Once you have the motivation, then you need to dream of your goal as them being accomplished. Dreaming is more like you’re imagining it and to imagine it is to see it and feel that you’re already achieving your goal that you have a clear image of it in your mind. Your subconscious mind can even take it up from here because seeing it is believing it and that’ll help you to create a powerful clear image of your goal.
Your focus should now be shifted toward your theme for the year and allow your mind to dream of it and take hold of it with your subconscious mind working with it to ensure you accomplish your goal without thinking about any obstacle and the effort needed to accomplish it.
Final step is about taking action
Once you’re able to give a theme for your year resolution, get motivated through your awareness and dream about the success of your goal, what you now need is to take massive action to bring to reality and fulfilment of your success.
To start taking action, you need to map out your plan and cut them down to smaller bit. Approach your plan one at a time, by hours, days, weeks and months. Set priority for each goal to be accomplished and work according to your map out plan in other to progress toward the achievement of your goal.
Ensure you execute your plan for each goal at the specific time so as not to add that burden to already specify time for another goal. It is when you fail to finish up yesterday’s work that makes today’s work a little time consuming because you have to account for the lost hours in yesterday’s work and such hours will be added to today’s work.
At the end of the year, you’ll be more fulfilled that you’ve been able to turn your resolution into achievement and nothing will give much joy than seeing that you actually accomplished your set goal for the year.
I wish you a year of accomplishment of your most desired dream; Happy New Year Friend!.