Moving From Couple to Parenting; Overcoming the Challenge

Overcoming the Challenge of Moving From Couple to Parenting

It is a wonderful feeling among couples when they are expecting babies and there is nothing that will take most of their time apart from the preparation for the arrival of the new addition. As much joy you may experience for waiting for the baby, there are challenges you’re going to face with the arrival of the baby.

Moving From Couple to ParentingIt is important to know how to overcome the challenges of moving from couple to parenting. Yes! You are seen as couple when you don’t have baby in your midst, but immediately there is arrival of baby in your midst, you’re seen as parent. In other word, nobody is seen as parent when they are just two in the house, but when your number increases to three and above, you’re automatically a parent. [You may read 5 Tips for Parenting a Teenager with Anxiety]

When you have become a parent, there are so many challenges to face as a new parent, it is another area of your relationship life that you have to experience, an uncharted part that you’re destined to walk.

First of all, parenting is a sweet experience especially if you get it right at the beginning, but how do you know you’re getting it right in the first place? Parenting has no manual you could have purchase and follow strictly with all the recommended guideline, neither does it also has a general way to bring up children. It becomes difficult at times to cope with the challenge of parenting especially when you live in a place far away from your relatives.

The arrival of the new born means less sleep for both parents, most especially the mother. Lack of sleeping time is a very big challenge of moving from couple to parenting. Normally, you have all the time to sleep at will and nobody interfere with your sleeping time except otherwise which is not always. With the addition of the new baby, in the few weeks of his or her arrival, you may developed some headache because of the lack of sleeping hour, though the joy of having the baby around still feel your heart but the resulting sleep deprivation can make you irritable and you consider the ordinary house chore you do with please an ordeals, just because you don’t have that much needed energy to carry out those duties as you used to be before the baby arrival. This also mean less time for yourself, for your partner and for your work. Don’t worry it’s normal, you will get use to it, you can also learn from other people experience, how they cope with the challenges.

The arrival of your baby will mean occasional visit from relatives to your house, learning to cope with unexpected visit from relatives is another challenge of moving from couple to parenting. Their visit is just to come and see how well your baby is doing and probably take one or two night out, especially when they are from far away distance. You can’t drive them out, they mean well for you and your baby, but it’s a challenge to you, it’s something you are not used to before now.  [True Love Story of couple Heartbreak You Must Read]

There are so many challenges you’re going to face when moving from couple to parenting that I may not be discussing here but I will not stop writing without mentioning some other challenges like; communication time will reduce within you and your partner because most of those wonderful times you communicate will be shared with the new baby. The mother often times will give the child more attention than any other person. House work will become an ordeal, because coping with the challenge of looking after the baby as the mother and also doing the house chores, going to market to buy goods for the house and your kitchen.

What you should know in all of these is that, you will learn to cope with them over time. It is a responsibility that you can’t run away from as someone who is moving from couple to parenting. If things get too tough for you, you can get a helper, nanny, and or babysitter. I’m suggesting this because, often times, all these affect the wife much more than the husband. It is a phase and everyone that desire to have a child must pass through it. I wish you successful journey as you are moving from couple to parenting, the sweetest and challenging part of family hood.

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