The selection of profession and your way in life is not an easy task, a mistake can be costly for you. A person who chooses a wrong way, learns by halves and works without pleasure.
It is very good if graduate chooses a university and specialty beforehand and firmly follows the chosen goal. Unfortunately, this ideal option is rare.
Experts in the field of education with years of experience advise you to stick to the following algorithm when you plan your studies in a higher education institution:
1) Identifying abilities and interests;
2) Definition of the scope of professional activity;
3) Selection of specialty;
4) University selection.
Only such a sequence guarantees success in choosing a profession.
First of all, a future student chooses a profession based on the direction of the sciences, which were the most easily understood at school, his or her abilities and interests. This is important, since in most universities a specialty is distributed in accordance with their belonging either to the humanities or to the exact or technical sciences.
Humanities sciences study a person in terms of its spiritual, cultural, moral, social and intellectual activity. If in other sciences the concreteness is important, then in humanities it is possible to have some accuracy (for example, when describing a historical event), but more important is the representation in all possible multiplicity and interpretation, so that each person can find something in it.
Humanitarian disciplines include philosophy, philology, literature, religious studies, art studies, history, archeology, ethnography, culturology.
Natural sciences are responsible for studying external phenomena in relation to human beings. By their specificity and objectivity, natural sciences are very different from the disciplines of the humanities and social sphere. These include mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, geology, geography, geophysics, agrarian sciences, medicine and others.
As a branch of natural science, a subclass of technical sciences can be considered. They study various forms and directions of technology. The main technical sciences include metallurgy, mining, foundry, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, heat engineering, hydromechanics, radio engineering, construction, and others.
It is useful to determine which sciences – humanitarian or technical – you have a liability to the characteristics of the psychological mentality of your mind.
The main are humanitarian and technical mentality, which can be determined through various tests and exercises. Psychologists say that a person has more developed the left or the right hemisphere of the brain, which affects the type of thinking.
The right hemisphere is responsible for emotions. Such people love theory and are less inclined to practice. To build a logical chain, the humanities use small parts.
People with such a mindset have a well-developed imagination. Humanities-minded persons are sociable, so they have many friends. They are interested in literature and constantly strive to study new information. Suitable areas of activity: journalism, politics, television, writing and many creative directions.
The good news is that all people have the makings of this way of thinking. “Humanities” and “techies” in its pure form are quite rare.
To develop the mind in the technical and mathematical direction is an absolutely real task. The resulting synthetic thinking will be the ideal option for any activity.
Rebus and logical tasks, checks and chess will help streamline the thinking of a humanities-minded person. Fundamentals of psychology and meditative practices will help take control of emotions, pushing them into the background, if necessary.
Now you can find many exercises on the topic for self-training, developing your mind in the direction to combined thinking.
What if when choosing a profession, you cannot determine what area you would like to learn? What will help you to make the right choice? The easiest way to decide is to hear yourself. But this is also the most difficult way.
In the flow of external voices (relatives, friends and all kinds of media), it is very difficult to concentrate and hear your “I”. Try to find time for this once a day, and sit alone in silence. Go through the options in your mind, ask yourself a question and try to hear the answer inside yourself.
Even after you have determined the scientific direction in the university, the question arises: “Will my profession be in demand?”
Researchers say that the current society is focused on the STEM-education. That is, it emphasizes the importance of studying technologies that will determine the future of our planet.
Do we need philosophy, music, literature, fine arts and other humanities in the superconductive world? Should we study them at all? Such issues are the subject of discussion among academics at many forums and conferences, such as the Global Education & Skills Forum in Dubai.
Scientists agree that we will not be able to solve the global problems of mankind without using knowledge of both humanitarian and exact sciences.
For example, we can cope with climate change only when understand how different crops react to this change. Any conflict cannot be resolved without sufficient knowledge of religion and linguistic peculiarities of its participants, the history of the regions, and the context of the emergence of this conflict.
In defense of the humanities researchers give examples of successful people and their specializations: Barack Obama taught political science and English literature, Hillary Clinton – political science, Emmanuel Macron – philosophy, Theresa May – geography. Most politicians studied PPE (Philosophy, Politics and Economics).
Now, if you still have doubts about your own path, we recommend you to use tests in order to find out your type of thinking. Pro-Papers believe you can quickly choose your profession, as well as successfully graduate and succeed in your profession.