Relationships Equity Theory: A Must Read For All Who Are in Relationship (II)

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Tony who is working as a biochemist is over burdened with work and this leads him to neglecting Yetunde’s needs for intimacy. It becomes especially difficult for him when he sees that she is making all the efforts. This causes him emotional distress and feeling of guilt, because he feels that he is letting her down or not meeting her expectations. He will then try to compensate by getting Yetunde gifts or by exorbitant gestures of affection like buying her a pet rabbit.

The equity theory of relationships proposes that partners who feel neglected or rewarded will make efforts to maintain equilibrium in the relationship. Equity is calculated by evaluating the contribution made by each partner to the relationship and the benefits received within the said relation. The theory also states that partners do not have to make equal contribution or receive equal benefits as long as the ratio between the contributions and benefits is similar.

For example if one partner is contributing financial to the relationship and the other is contributing time the inputs will be considered equal. The benefits in this situation will also be considered equal when one partner gets love and the other financial security. This love and relationship theory is one of the best ways to understand how to make a relationship work

The relationships equity theory proposes that individual perceptions of inputs and the perceived outcomes is what keeps relationships going. The inputs as well as the outcomes and their fair distribution is what forms the basis of a good relationship and if it is absent then partners will make behavioral changes to restore harmony. The theory applies to different types of relationships, like between a parent and child, between lovers, between office colleagues, employee and organization, etc.

Equity theory of relationships has pointed out some behavioral patterns of partners to resolve relationship issues. Individuals will try and restore balance if they feel they are being unfairly treated and they will seek to maximize their outcomes. The perception of inputs and outcomes are individualistic and therefore are difficult to quantify. This theory basically points out that the strongest urge is to restore balance and maintain fairness in a relationship.

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