New Chapter In Shopping History With

In recent year widespread classified advertising has changed a bit and moved to another media sphere almost completely. Appearing of classified websites provided a range of new possibilities.

image00First of all, adverts became longer and more detailed, though they are posted for free. Secondly, they are often more effective than large-scale campaigns. Finally, you can hardly disagree that shopping which requires only using your Smartphone saves a lot of time and efforts. You can buy everything – from a pair of socks to a new house – while sitting comfortably at home and watching TV, hanging out with your friends, or in a coffee break. offers you everything mentioned above and even more than that.

image02There is no need to enlist all possible benefits. Numbers are speaking for themselves. A new advert appears every five minutes, and it means there are 70,000 new offers every months. They can be posted by absolutely everyone who has something to suggest, regardless where the person is located, absolutely for free.

As a result, Jiji is a website with over 100,000 verified sellers, who have already received positive feedback and reviews.

image01More than 1,200,000 calls are made monthly by people interested in particular items or services, found on the website – cars, mobile phone, tablets, jobs, clothes etc.

image03We care about your convenience, safety and security. We don’t pretend there are no scammers on Jiji, for everyone is attracted to the service. Nevertheless, we detect and block them effectively ensuring you pleasant and calm shopping.

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