Difference Between Healthy Skin Tanning And Sunburn

Healthy skin tanning is a natural skin protection procedure where the skin increases its melanin molecule production. The dark pigmentation of melanin molecule and its shape acts as a protection. It protects your skin against the harmful effects of the rays of the sun.

However, there is a boundary to the protection the melanin can offer you against the harmful effect of the rays of the sun. In such a situation, the best thing to do is always to go for a shade.

Sunburn is very bad for your skin. By all means try to avoid it. Healthy skin tanning is different from sun burn. Sun burn can result to complications like skin cancer.

Healthy skin tanning

The effects of sunburn get poorer year after year if the burnt cells aren’t detached by brushing them off.

Rational sun exposure and healthy skin tanning

Animals sunbathing

We frequently observe animals in our environment taking pleasure in the sunshine.

The energy from the rays of the sun is converted by the skin into physical vigor and resilience. Those animals are intelligent enough to take merely what they need, and then they are out of the sun.

Humans have lost a component of their protection with the lessening of their hair.

Seemingly, we humans have as well lost connection with the animalistic part of us and are thus handing over to our skin the worst transgressions.

Healthy skin tanning practices

Healthy skin tanning entails avoiding the blazing heat of the sun except you are moving fast or close to a body of water. You can sense what is secure for you. Your skin ought to be your best judge.

It will signal to you how it feels about receiving the sunlight and alert you when it already had enough. It is your job to look out for the signals.

Immediately you start to feel burning sensations, you ought to look for shades. You own to intelligently monitor the situations around you on a constant basis.

Taking the sun for healthy skin tanning and taking shade

You need to take adequate amount of sun for your skin. Therefore, go out and enjoy the sunshine especially before 10 am in the morning and after 4 pm in the evening when the effect is minimal.

However, when you sense your skin telling you it has had enough; instantly go for the shade.

Nevertheless, mainly, if you have a handy way to cool it down, it may be prepared for more sun after just some minutes. The right course of action is to go in and out of the sunlight.

Recurrent tanning

If you are living in an environment where seasonal alterations of weather condition force loss of healthy skin tanning, you must take great care when re-exposing your skin to the sun rays during the spring.
If you are going on a vacation from a cold climate to a warmer climate, you must also take precaution. Since your skin hasn’t been exposed to the sun for some time, it may be defenseless and weak to protect your skin effectively.

It can’t yet manufacture all the required melanin pigments required for healthy skin tanning and skin protection against UV rays.
What you need to do is to expose yourself t the sun bit by bit and regularly for it to increase its defense.

Your first seasonal healthy skin tanning process could last for only about five minutes.

Melanin; the natural sun screen

Melanin is the skin pigment that is responsible for the color of your skin.
It is present in plants, animals, micro-organisms and even in bacteria.
In human beings, melanin acts as a natural sun screen.
When you expose your skin to UV ray, it triggers the production of melanin.
The amount of melanin your skin produce depends on the amount of sunshine received.
Melanin pigment protects your skin from ultraviolet rays. It does this by naturally absorbing them.

Sunburn is bad for your skin and must be avoided

You should never confuse sun burn to healthy skin tanning. Sunburn happens when you excessively expose your skin to the rays of the sun and you truly burn the top layers of your skin epidermis.

Sun burn is an error, and a lack of proper skin care. You left your skin longer than normal under the scorching effects of the sun rays.

You can deeply sustain a deep healthy skin tanning without burning your skin. You must be cautious and monitor excess at all times. You must be able to let your children know the difference between healthy skin tanning and sunburn in your skin to your children.

Healthy skin tanning is a recommended practice while sunburn is an injurious practice and lack of proper skin care habit.

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